To be a vital platform of evangelization for the growth of the Catholic Faith in Hawaii and beyond, imitating the charism of our Hawaiian saints.
Educate, inspire, and empower the DMCC Ohana. Our Focus will be on the respect of human life and dignity, marriage, youth and family life, education, social justice, and evangelism.
The purpose of the Damien and Marianne Catholic Conference is to:
1. Bring Christ’s message to people of Hawaii and beyond and to promote an understanding of the dignity and reverence for all life.
2. Inspire participants to be fully engaged in all aspects of life, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually and environmentally;
- through the arts, songs, worship participation, presentations and healing ministries
- through the diverse cultural, religious, and historical practices
- through current educational opportunities and ever changing technology and social media, participants and other faithful will be provided opportunities to understand our faith and grow spiritually through the Damien and Marianne Catholic Conferences